
Sector Weighting’s (2/29/2024)

101 Stocks / 4 Vanguard Small & Mid Cap ETFS

ABCS ETF has 1955 separate stock positions exposure with Portfolio/Vanguard ETFs Look-through and the US 2500 Index has 2434 & US 500 Index has 499.
Sector ABCS ETF US 2500*
Communications Services 2.0% 2.6%
Consumer Discretionary 11.7% 13.6%
Consumer Staples 4.4% 3.8%
Energy 7.1% 4.3%
Financials 23.6% 15.4%
Health Care 11.1% 12.6%
Industrials 15.1% 19.5%
Information Technology 11.5% 13.7%
Materials 5.8% 5.7%
Real Estate 4.2% 6.4%
Utilities 3.2% 2.4%

* US 2500: Bloomberg US 2500 Total Return Index (Bloomberg  2500) is a float market-cap-weighted benchmark of the lower 2500 in capitalization of the Bloomberg US 3000 Index.
Calculations provided by Bloomberg Professional Services utilizing Global Industry Classification Standards (GICS)

David Dabora

Alpha Blue Capital